Over the years we’ve had the opportunity to share advice through various media outlets. In the hopes that it may be helpful, we’ve hosted some of that media on our site.
Charities that we support through time or donations include:
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Bridge Hospice, Warkworth
- Brighton Fare Share Food Bank
- Brighton Public School Library
- Brighton’s Relay For Life
- Campbellford Memorial Hospital Foundation
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Community Care, Brighton
- Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre
- Faith’s Orphanage
- Heart & Stroke Foundation
- Knights of Columbus “Coats For Kids” program
- Northumberland Humane Society
- Northumberland Land Transfer Trust
- Ontario 5 Pin Bowling Ass’n
- OPP – DARE Program
- Presqu’ile Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
- Quinte Hospice
- Rotary Clubs of Brighton & Campbellford & Colborne
- Rotary Foundation of Canada
- Royal Canadian Legion Branches of Brighton & Campbellford
- Sandy Pines Animal Shelter
- Sleeping Children Around the World
- St. John’s Therapy Dogs
- Terry Fox Foundation
- The Beacon Youth Centre
- Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation
- United Way of Northumberland
- United Way of Ontario
- Wounded Warrior Canada
2017 Mayor’s Keep the County Clean Challenge – Sponsored by Lighthouse Wealth Management
Friends of Lighthouse Wealth BBQ Staff for Earth Day Volunteers
(Left to right) Dave Sharp, Craig Machado & Josh Edwards barbecuing
Food reward time!