Your personal finances are far more complicated than one might expect. It is far too easy to “leave things alone” rather than to search for viable options that will indeed, be very beneficial to your situation. Let us show you how to make your financial planning package easy to understand and even easier to implement.
Have you asked yourself these questions?
- Do you want to avoid costly legal and probate fees in your estate planning process?
- Are you seeking to protect your family’s income or assets in case of death / disability?
- Would you like to maximize after-tax returns on your non-registered investments?
- Does legally slashing your annual and your estate taxes to the bone interest you?
- Should you implement RRSP/RRIF programs that offer you significant advantages to those obtained from banks, trust companies, investment or mutual fund companies?
Over the years, we have found that solid client relationships have to be earned through trust, understanding and respect. Once earned, these relationships must be held in full regard to ensure that this respect is never lost. This can only be done by incorporating certain procedures and process into the day to day involvement with our clients. And, along the way, live up to the highest ethical standards in our practice management.
What makes us different from the rest of the financial advisors and consultants in the area?
- We have been in our community since 1993, and that is a lot of years of expertise and dedication
- Lighthouse Wealth Management feels they have the best in terms of a fully trained administrative service & support staff
- When required for complex cases, we have available to us, a team of outside accountants and legal specialists
- We are able to provide a one-stop shop for all of your financial needs – both personal and business
- We have the ability to prepare a comprehensive analysis of your insurance and investment programs
- We are not restricted to any one financial firm. We search out the best options that will satisfy your needs because are large enough to have that flexibility.
- Being one of Canada Life top advisory firms across Canada, means a contract with Canada’s largest financial institution that benefits our clients with access to their products and expertise. Through Canada Life’s mutual fund dealer, Quadrus Investment Services Ltd., we can offer powerful investment choices with a wide range of mutual funds.
- We have the experience and credentials to help develop a comprehensive wealth management plan; one that addresses the tax consequences of every decision you make, and one containing developed strategies that are tailored to YOUR UNIQUE situation. From our initial Introductory-Discovery meetings through to our on-going, hands-on involvement, we’ll take the time to understand your ‘big picture’ needs today and down the road.
Dave, Debb, & Gary consider themselves as the Quarterback in your world of financial plans. We work together with your investment broker, tax advisor, legal firm and insurance person to ensure that they are all working towards the same goal that should be at the top of everyone’s list – your financial success. In reality, when we start with new homes, we find this is not the case. And, it is within that scenario, that we are able use our strength in experience to greatly improve your financial situation.
Lighthouse has worked hard to build a solid reputation since 1993. We are proud to demonstrate our philosophies on this website and hope that you enjoy it. If you would like to know us better, please take that next step and contact us. We know that you will be happy you did.